This past month Lesa had an “amazing full circle” teaching experience traveling to Bonn-Bad Godesberg and Frankfurt Germany for 7 days of sharing her passion for Pilates with Excel Pilates Teacher Training Program graduate Daniela Greverath (2011) and Presenting her Train Like A Teacher Workshops hosted by Private Pilates in Frankfurt, Germany.
Daniela now lives in Bonn-Bad Godesberg where she owns her studio Federkraft. Daniela hosted Lesa to teach a workshop (Better Posture Better Pilates) Mat class an multiple duet and private sessions.
At Private Pilates in Frankfurt, Lesa worked with 7 potential teacher training candidates that are interested in gaining a deeper level of knowledge of Pilates and were exploring the possibility of becoming a teacher.
Presently, Marta Blaszczyk a teacher at Private Pilates is a candidate in Excel Pilates Teacher Training Program at the NOVA studio.
Private Pilates owner Marion Samali has invited Lesa to return in Febuary and host the Excel Pilates Teacher Training Program at her studio.
Full circle indeed, past present and future.